3 Years Old Child Starved Death


In a shocking incident in Ohio, the arrest of Rabyah N. Muballigh reveals her daughter’s harrowing story. A three-year-old who almost starved to death was rescued by police officers.

A disturbing incident recently brought 25-year-old Rabyah N. Muballigh of Ohio to the attention of the public.

Her actions and life as a 25-year-old have drawn attention and raised questions about her upbringing, current situation and past experiences.

This forms the basis for a deeper examination of the life of Rabyah N. Muballigh and the current elements influencing the conversation around her.

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Name of Robia Mubali’s daughter

The public has not yet been informed of the identity of the three-year-old child involved in the ongoing case of Rabyah N. Muballigh, a 25-year-old Ohio resident accused of harming her child.

The decision to conceal the child’s identity is likely made to protect his safety and privacy while the investigation is ongoing.

Given the appalling circumstances in which authorities found Muballigh’s daughter, her case remains a matter of great concern.

After the infant, who weighed just 16 pounds and was at risk of starvation, was removed from her home, police and medical personnel responded quickly.

Robia Mubali's daughter
The mother, Rabyah N. Muballigh, was arrested. (Source: Youtube)

Authorities have been careful to keep the child’s identity secret from the public, although the circumstances of her illness have attracted widespread attention.

The unidentified child is still recovering in hospital and given the severity of his condition, his stay is expected to be extended.

This example serves as a crucial reminder of the more important social responsibilities and actions necessary to protect vulnerable children from similar situations and highlight the acute health impacts on the adolescent.

As the Healing process Moving forward, it encourages meaningful discussions about the protective and preventive measures needed to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

We underscore our shared commitment to ensuring the safety of children in our neighborhoods.

Robia Mubali, 3-year-old child, almost starved to death

Ohioan Rabyah N. Muballigh, 25, was recently the subject of an extensive investigation following a traumatic event involving her three-year-old daughter.

The incident The accident began Jan. 8 in Muballigh’s first-floor apartment when Fairborn Authorities Department officers received a 911 call about an unconscious toddler in need of urgent medical attention.

When police arrived at the Wallace Drive home, they found a surprisingly dirty and neglected situation.

Robia Mubali's daughter
Robia Mubali lived with her daughter in an insect-infested room. (Source: Youtube)

The house presented a depressing picture of living conditions as it was piled high with garbage and leftover food.

In some areas, trash accumulated to more than two meters, and sticky paper fly traps full of dead flies were strewn everywhere.

When authorities found the malnourished three-year-old daughter, who weighed just 16 pounds, they immediately thought the child had died.

Authorities were shocked by the child’s condition and acted quickly to take him to the hospital so he could receive emergency care.

Following her arrest, Muballigh, the child’s mother, is charged with two counts of second-degree assault and one count of third-degree felony endangering a minor.

When Muballigh first gave up a false identity on the 911 call, the police announcement of her arrest was captured on tape by the body camera.

After being stabilized in the hospital, the child’s recovery is progressing.

However, officials have said she will likely have to stay there longer. According to the most recent report, Muballigh was being held in the Green County Jail on $500,000 bail.

This heartbreaking example highlights the urgent need to address child welfare and the impact of neglect.

While the investigation into this tragic tragedy continues, the community anticipates further litigation.

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