Who Shot Her? Parents Revealed


The busy streets of Portage Park, Chicago, were rocked by a heartbreaking incident that claimed the life of Serabi Medina, a spirited 9-year-old girl whose innocence and joy for life were abruptly extinguished by an act of senseless violence.

Serabi’s untimely death has shocked a community and left them mourning the loss of a young life full of promise and potential.

As we process this devastating event, we are reminded of the urgent need to address the pervasive problem of gun violence that continues to impact countless lives, destroy families, and leave communities in mourning.

In this article, we pay tribute to Serabi Medina and shed light on the tragedy that befell her and its lasting impact on those who knew and loved her.

With heartbreaking details and a reflection on the aftermath, we honor Serabi’s memory and join the call for a safer world for our children, where their dreams can flourish without fear.

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Obituary for Serabi Medina: Who shot her?

Serabi Medina, a 9-year-old with a bright smile and a love for life, tragically lost her life in a devastating shooting incident in Chicago’s Portage Park.

The peaceful streets of Long Avenue became a scene of grief when Serabi’s life was cut short by an act of violence.

Michael Goodman, a neighbor across the street, was charged with first-degree murder in connection with her untimely death.

News of this heartbreaking incident has shocked the Chicago community.

Serabi’s innocent nature, her love for her two dogs, and her excitement about the upcoming fourth grade were overshadowed by the senseless act that separated her from her family and friends.

To support Serabi Medina’s grieving family, who were faced with the unimaginable task of organizing her funeral and the associated costs, a GoFundMe campaign was immediately launched.

Medina of Serabi
Serabi Medina on her primary school graduation (NBC Chicago)

The support from the community was enormous; over $6,000 was raised in a short period of time.

The incident itself is a shocking reminder of the devastating effects of gun violence.

Serabi was innocently riding her scooter and enjoying an ice cream from an ice cream van when she became the victim of a senseless act. Her father’s attempts to protect her were tragically in vain.

This heartbreaking event is not the first time the Medina family has been affected by gun violence. In 2018, Serabi’s mother was the victim of a similar tragedy, adding to the family’s pain.

The loss of Serabi Medina has sent shockwaves through the community and reminded us all of our urgent need for a safer and more compassionate society where the lives of innocent children are valued and protected.

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Who are Serabi Medina’s parents?

Serabi Medina, a name that has become synonymous with tragedy and lost innocence, was the beloved daughter of a grieving family.

Her father’s identity remains unknown, but the pain of this unimaginable loss is felt deeply in the hearts of those who knew her.

As the community mourns Serabi’s untimely death, we are reminded of the strength and resilience her parents showed in the face of overwhelming grief.

After this devastating event, Serabi’s mother is a model of courage and determination.

Her journey through unimaginable grief is a testament to the ability of the human spirit to endure even the deepest sorrow.

While the circumstances of Serabi’s death are marked by a tragic twist of fate, her parents’ unwavering love for their daughter remains a shining example.

The emptiness left by Serabi’s absence is palpable, a poignant reminder of how precious and fragile life is.

While her parents struggle with the painful consequences of this senseless act of violence, the memory of their beloved Serabi remains anchored in their hearts.

With their resilience and the great support of their community, they are proof that the power of love can overcome even the darkest moments.

As we remember Serabi Medina, our condolences also go out to her parents, whose strength and steadfastness inspire us all.

May they find comfort in the memories they share and the legacy of love that Serabi leaves behind.


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