Tanya Montenegro Husband, Drew Estate Foundation


Tania Montenegro and her husband, Yunerling Canales, have faced many challenges in their lives, but their resilience and determination have paved the way for a better future for their family. Living in Oscar Gámez, the couple worked tirelessly to provide a stable home for their three sons: Abel, Moises and Elias. Their story is one of perseverance, community support and the transformative power of a safe home.

Humble beginnings

Tania and Yunerling have lived in Oscar Gámez since birth. When they got married twelve years ago, they bought a small plot of land in their neighborhood and moved into a modest house. Yunerling works as a security guard, while Tania is a dedicated housewife, managing the household and looking after their children. Despite their efforts, their house was in deplorable condition.

“Our house was falling apart when TECHO’s daughter came to see us,” Tania recalls. “It was made of rotten wood and during the rainy season we walked in the mud. » Their children, Moises and Abel, became friends with volunteers from TECHO, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the living conditions of families in need. Through their connection, TECHO learned about the situation of the Montenegrin family and decided to help them.

A glimmer of hope

In March 2013, TECHO came back with good news: they were going to build a new house for the Montenegrin family. The announcement brought immense joy and relief. Tania and Yunerling were ready to contribute financially to the project, knowing that this investment was a step towards a better future.

Michelle, a TECHO volunteer, explained the construction process and the amount needed. “My husband said it was no problem; he was going to save money,” Tania says. The family began saving diligently, and within a month they had the necessary funds.

Community support

On construction day, the community came together to support the Montenegro family. Neighbors helped carry the materials and Tania prepared lunch for the volunteers. Yunerling and other residents participated in the construction process, creating a sense of unity and common purpose.

“It was very nice to see neighbors helping each other,” Tania recalls. “The children were delighted to see the volunteers build their house. » The collective effort highlighted the strength of their community and the power of working together toward common goals.

Transformative impact

The new house brought significant positive changes for the Montenegrin family. The secure and spacious environment allowed children to spend more time at home, improving their academic performance and overall well-being. “They have good grades now, thank God,” Tania notes proudly. The new home provided a safe and comfortable space for the family, reducing Tania’s constant worry about her children’s safety.

“You can’t imagine how grateful we are to finally have a safe and decent place to live,” says Tania. The transformation from a dilapidated structure to a stable house with fixed, leak-free walls and suitable flooring was profound. The family even built an extra kitchen room and a fully covered shower, further improving their living conditions.

Empower families

TECHO’s model empowers families by involving them in the process and requiring a small financial contribution (families pay 7% of the total cost of the house). This approach encourages families to set goals and work to achieve them, fostering a sense of ownership and accomplishment.

Through regular visits before construction, TECHO volunteers like Michelle provided advice and support, helping families like the Montenegrins develop a vision for their future. This empowerment goes beyond the provision of housing; it gives them hope and a proactive attitude to improve their situation.

Building a better future

TECHO’s work at Oscar Gámez demonstrates the profound impact that stable housing can have on a family’s life. By meeting basic needs, TECHO allows families to focus on other important aspects of their lives, such as education, employment and community engagement. The Montenegrin family story is a testament to the difference that safe and secure housing can make.

For Tania, Yearling and their children, the new house represents more than just a physical structure; it symbolizes a new beginning filled with hope and potential. As Tania reflects on their journey, she recognizes the importance of community support and the opportunities that come with a stable home. “Small steps in the right direction can help you achieve your goals in life,” she says, grateful for the chance to provide a better future for her family.


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