Catarina Miranda Big Brother, Explore All Details


Catarina Miranda, candidate for “Big Brother 2024”, was evicted on the night of Thursday, May 16, during a “Special” episode hosted by Cláudio Ramos. The incident that led to his dismissal involved an angry outburst during lunch, resulting in a dangerous situation for his fellow students.

The lunch incident

The drama happened when Miranda, from Almeirim, got angry with João Oliveira during a meal. In a fit of rage, she got up from the table and threw a glass on the floor. The broken glass sent shrapnel flying, hitting Gabriel Sousa’s arm and eye. The injury required immediate attention from the production nurse, who administered serum into Sousa’s eye and treated a small wound.

Immediate reactions

Despite the incident, Miranda initially believed that she would not be deported. In a conversation with her compatriot David Maurício, she expressed confidence in remaining in the competition. However, his actions had already caused significant controversy among the housemates and the public.

Gabriel Sousa, although injured, apologized to Miranda, who tearfully assured him that she had not intended to harm him. However, João Oliveira expressed concerns about safety, saying he did not feel safe in an environment where glasses could break and potentially cause blindness. Oliveira also threatened to take legal action against Miranda.

Isolation and reflection

Following the incident, Miranda isolated herself from the rest of the group. Inês Morais confronted her, emphasizing the seriousness of her actions. Miranda’s response was defensive; she claimed she was simply reacting after being pressured for a year and a half. She insisted that anyone in her situation could have reacted worse.

In another conversation with Maurício, Miranda defended her actions, saying her conscience was clean. She argued that she did not intentionally hurt anyone, pointing out that while others might resort to physical violence, she simply threw a glass on the floor. She expressed her lack of remorse, suggesting that if Gabriel was hurt, it was her responsibility.

Denial of consequences

Miranda remained convinced that she would not be deported. She argued that if she were to be deported, Oliveira should also be deported due to her behavior. Miranda believed that her actions did not warrant her expulsion since she did not directly throw the glass at anyone. His confidence in remaining in the competition was misplaced, the production team having decided otherwise.

Official decision and consequences

Despite her beliefs, Catarina Miranda’s actions led to her expulsion from “Big Brother 2024.” The decision was influenced by the seriousness of the incident and the potential danger it posed to other competitors. His removal from the show served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment within the competition.

The expulsion was met with mixed reactions. Some viewers and competitors supported the decision, emphasizing the need for accountability and safety. Others, however, felt that Miranda’s actions were a momentary lapse in judgment rather than habitual behavior and therefore did not deserve such serious consequences.

A lesson in responsibility

Miranda’s eviction from ‘Big Brother 2024’ highlights the consequences of aggressive behavior and the importance of emotional regulation. In high-pressure environments like reality TV shows, contestants are constantly scrutinized and their actions have significant repercussions. This incident is a lesson in responsibility, demonstrating that actions, even in moments of anger, can have serious consequences.


Catarina Miranda’s journey on ‘Big Brother 2024’ ended abruptly due to an incident that highlighted the potential dangers of uncontrolled aggression. Her belief that she would avoid expulsion, despite the seriousness of her actions, highlights the complexity of human behavior under stress. The decision to evict Miranda was rooted in the need to maintain a safe environment for all contestants, highlighting the importance of accountability in reality television settings.

This episode of “Big Brother 2024” serves as a cautionary tale for future contestants, highlighting the need for self-control and the consequences of failing to meet the standards of conduct expected in such competitive environments. As the show continues, the incident with Miranda will likely be a food for thought for both the audience and participants, reinforcing the need for respect and safety in all interactions.


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