Paula Vennells Husband, how Paula Vennells’s Spouse Participated in The Denigration of The Embittered Post Office Boss


Paula Vennells, the former chief executive of Britain’s Post Office, is at the center of a long-running scandal involving the Horizon computer system. The scandal, which led to the wrongful conviction of hundreds of deputy postmasters, raised serious questions about corporate governance, ethical leadership and senior management accountability.

The Horizon computer system

Horizon, the IT system deployed in postal agencies from 1999, aimed to streamline operations and improve efficiency. However, it soon became clear that the system was deeply flawed. Bugs, errors and glitches in Horizon have led to discrepancies in branch accounts, with some subpostmasters reporting deficits amounting to thousands of euros.

Although these problems were flagged as early as 2000 by Deputy Postmaster Alan Bates, the Post Office continued to rely on Horizon data. This reliance has resulted in unwarranted prosecutions of sub-postmasters for theft, fraud and false accounting. Between 2000 and 2014, numerous subpostmasters were convicted based on erroneous data provided by Horizon.

Vennells’ role and response

Paula Vennells was chief executive of the Post Office from 2012 to 2019. During her tenure, she earned a total of £5.1 million. Vennells has come under scrutiny for his handling of the Horizon scandal. During an investigation, she admitted to making mistakes but denied any conspiracy to cover up flaws in the system.

One of the key revelations from the investigation was that Vennells sought advice from her husband, John Vennells, a former global vice president at engineering company ABB, on how to reframe the language used to describe the problems of ‘Horizon. Instead of calling them “bugs,” the Post started calling them “anomalous and exceptions,” a change suggested by Vennells’ husband to reduce the emotional impact of the terminology.

The investigation and the apology

The ongoing investigation into the Horizon scandal has provided an important platform for sub-postmasters to seek justice and for Vennells to be held to account. Vennells faced difficult questioning and broke down in tears on several occasions. She apologized for comments she made to MPs in 2012, in which she suggested subpostmasters were “tempted to reach into the till”.

During his testimony, Vennells expressed his deep regret for the suffering endured by the deputy postmasters and their families. She said she believed at the time that the Post Office’s actions were justified, but she now acknowledges the organization was “totally wrong.”

Key timeline of events

1999: The Horizon IT system is deployed in postal agencies across the United Kingdom.

2000: Alan Bates reports problems with Horizon.

2003: Alan Bates sees his contract terminated after refusing to take responsibility for his branch’s accounting deficits.

2004 : Lee Castleton is made bankrupt after finding a deficit of £25,000 at his branch.

2009: Computer Weekly magazine tells the story of deputy postmasters who begin their fight for justice. The Justice Alliance for Subpostmasters is created.

2010: Seema Misra is jailed after being accused of stealing £74,000 from her post office.

2015 : Paula Vennells tells a business select committee there is no evidence of a miscarriage of justice and the Post Office is ending proceedings against sub-postmasters.

2017: Legal action is launched against the Post Office by a group of 555 sub-postmasters.

2019: A High Court judge rules that Horizon contained numerous “bugs, errors and defects” and the Post Office agrees to pay £58m to the 555 sub-postmasters.

2020: The Post Office does not oppose 44 appeals against convictions.

2021: A statutory inquiry into Horizon’s failings begins and the Court of Appeal overturns 39 wrongful convictions.

2023: The government announces compensation of £600,000 for each wrongly convicted deputy postmaster.

2024: The ITV drama ‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’ airs and the Metropolitan Police begin investigating possible fraud offenses linked to the scandal.

The impact on subpostmasters

The impact of the Horizon scandal on subpostmasters has been devastating. Many were sent to prison, financially ruined and socially ostracized. Some, like Martin Griffiths, committed suicide. The scandal led to a loss of confidence in the Postal Service and highlighted the need for better oversight and accountability in corporate governance.

Deputy postmasters called for transparency and honesty from those involved in the scandal. Seema Misra, who was imprisoned while pregnant, has expressed her desire for the truth to be revealed. She and others have been fighting for justice for more than a decade.


The Horizon scandal is a stark reminder of the consequences of corporate negligence and the importance of ethical leadership. Paula Vennells’ tenure as head of the Post Office will be remembered for the wrongful convictions of hundreds of sub-postmasters and the subsequent investigation to try to uncover the truth. As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen what impact the findings will have on the future governance of the Postal Service and the business world as a whole.


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