Iran President Age, Wiki, Bio, Relationship, 63-Year-Old Ebrahim Raisi Dies


Ebrahim Raïssi, who died at the age of 63 in a tragic helicopter accident, was a prominent figure in the Iranian political landscape. He rose through the ranks of Iran’s theocracy, from a hard-line prosecutor to an uncompromising president. His tenure was marked by strict enforcement of the hijab law, a rigorous crackdown on domestic protests, and a tough stance in nuclear negotiations with world powers.

Application of the hijab law

Raisi’s presidency began in 2021, following closely controlled elections that sidelined important conservative and moderate candidates. Shortly after taking office, Raisi ordered stricter enforcement of Iran’s “hijab and chastity law,” which regulates women’s dress and behavior. This decision caused controversy and led to widespread unrest. The death of Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian Kurdish woman, in police custody for allegedly violating the hijab law has sparked nationwide protests. These protests are among the most significant challenges to the Iranian mullahs’ regime since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The protests have led to the deaths of hundreds of people, including dozens of security forces, as authorities have launched a fierce crackdown on dissent. Raisi, with the support of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stood firm against the protests, declaring: “Acts of chaos are unacceptable.”

Hard nuclear position

Elected in 2021, Raisi’s presidency coincided with the impasse in negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. His hardline approach aimed to secure substantial relief from U.S. sanctions in exchange for minimal concessions on advances in nuclear technology Iranian. This position was partly influenced by the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan and Washington’s fluctuating policies.

In 2018, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the nuclear deal, reinstating tough sanctions on Iran. This led Tehran to gradually violate the terms of the agreement. Despite indirect talks with the Biden administration, efforts to restore the deal have made little progress. Raisi’s tough stance in these negotiations was in line with his anti-Western ideology, shared by Khamenei, who holds supreme authority in Iran.

Repression of demonstrations

Domestically, Raisi’s mandate has been defined by a harsh crackdown on dissent. After his election, he quickly decided to strengthen control over public expressions of his opposition. The enforcement of the hijab law and the brutal crackdown on protests following Mahsa Amini’s death underscored her commitment to maintaining a strict social order. His actions were supported by Khamenei, ensuring that all branches of government were controlled by hardliners loyal to the supreme leader.

The nationwide protests, however, revealed significant discontent with the religious regime and Raisi’s administration. Economic difficulties exacerbated by Western sanctions and domestic mismanagement have further eroded his popularity.

The legacy of controversy

Raisi’s legacy is marked by his involvement in one of the darkest periods in Iran’s recent history. As a young prosecutor in Tehran, he participated in the 1988 “death committees,” which oversaw the execution of thousands of political prisoners at the end of the Iran-Iraq War. These summary trials and mass executions have been condemned by human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, which estimates that at least 5,000 people were killed.

Raïssi defended his actions during this period, saying: “If a judge, a prosecutor, defended the security of the population, he should be congratulated… I am proud to have defended human rights in all circumstances. positions I have held so far. »

Clerk of the head of the judiciary

Raïssi’s career in the justice system allowed him to access important positions of power. Appointed head of the judiciary by Khamenei in 2019, he was also elected vice-president of the Assembly of Experts, the body responsible for selecting the next supreme leader. His role in the justice system and his alignment with Khamenei’s policies have made him a key figure in Iran’s political establishment.

Raisi’s hardline stance extended beyond domestic politics to international relations. He shared Khamenei’s deep distrust of the West and supported Iran’s strategy of supporting proxy forces across the Middle East. This was evident in his response to the assassination of Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers in Damascus, which led to an unprecedented, if largely unsuccessful, aerial bombardment of Israel.

Threaten Israel

Raisi’s rhetoric against Israel was consistent with his tough approach. Following the attack on Iranian officers, he warned that any Israeli retaliation against Iranian territory could lead to the destruction of the “Zionist regime.” His threats reflected the broader tension between Iran and Israel, a cornerstone of his foreign policy.

Youth and political rise

Born in 1960 in the holy city of Mashhad, Raisi lost his father at a young age but followed in his footsteps to become a religious man. His early studies in a religious seminary in Qom and his participation in protests against the Shah during the 1979 revolution established his credentials in Iran’s religious and political framework. His connections with influential religious leaders in Qom facilitated his rise within the judiciary, ultimately leading to his appointment as head of the judiciary and his election to the presidency.

The unexpected death of Raisi in a helicopter accident, as well as that of Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, marks an important turning point in the Iranian political landscape. His death leaves a void within the hardline faction and raises questions about the future direction of Iran’s leaders and their domestic and foreign policies.


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