Iran Supreme Leader, Wiki, Bio & Know Who is Ebrahim Raisi?


Ebrahim Raïssiwho has reached the age of 63, is president of Iran after his election in 2021. The city he grew up in was Mashhad in 1960, in a religiously orthodox family, Raisi was greatly influenced by his experience during the Islamic Revolution of 1979, which saw the end of the Iranian monarchy. His early involvement in the revolutionary movement laid the foundation for a long career closely linked to the political and religious spheres of Iran.

What is Raisi’s presidency?

After his election, Raisi pursued aggressive strategies to strengthen Iran’s influence throughout the Middle East. The administration has actively supported militant groups in the region and has also advanced Iran’s nuclear program and reignited tensions between Iran and Israel. This has placed Iran in a pivotal position and could be on the verge of becoming a major conflict.

What was Raïssi’s reaction to domestic challenges?

Domestically, Raïssi’s mandate is characterized by significant tensions. Following the murder of Mahsa Amini, an 18-year-old Kurd girl detained by police between 2022 and 2023, Iran was the subject of massive protests against the government. The government’s response was heavy-handed and brutal, with numerous reports of executions and killings. This episode highlighted the problems that Raisi must overcome to control the governance process and control the situation amid growing public anger.

What are the latest developments that have exacerbated tensions between Iran and Israel?

The shadow conflict is emerging in the Iran-Israel conflict that has raged for years, then escalated last month and has grown significantly. Iran has launched a massive military operation involving the firing of hundreds of missiles and drones towards Israel. The direct conflict was sparked by escalating tensions sparked by a series of attacks by Hamas, an Iranian-backed extremist group, the Iranian-backed group and Iran against Israel at the end of the 7th day of October. The ferocity of the conflict is a sign of the fragility of the geopolitical climate in the area led by Raisi.

What implications could Raisi’s role as supreme leader of the nation have?

Speculation over Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s future successor is growing, with Ebrahim Raisi frequently mentioned as a potential candidate for Iran’s top leader. This position, combining religious authority and political power, could place Raisi at the highest level of Iranian authority. His presidency, characterized by its stifling policies both domestically and internationally, suggests that his tenure as supreme leader could be one that could impact Iranian politics in the years to come.


In the midst of negotiations, while President Ebrahim Raïssi navigates the dangerous waters of Iranian political and international relations, his future, and in particular the role of the supreme leader, remains a hot topic of discussion. The outcome of his policies will likely determine not only his future political direction, but also the overall development of the situation in the Middle East. The extent to which Raisi can successfully manage external and internal tensions is an important factor in determining Iran’s direction.


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