Vice President of Iran, Know Who is Mohammad Mokhber?


Mohamed Mokhber is an important name in Iranian politics, currently serving as first vice president to the president, under Ebrahim Raisi as of 2021. His professional career has been characterized by his participation in various important roles in administration and economy within of the Iranian government. Prior to his current position, Mokhber was chairman of the Execution of the Order of Imam Khomeini (EIKO), an office that allowed him to oversee a huge conglomerate involved in various areas of the Iranian economy.

What was Mokhber’s impact on Iranian domestic politics?

Since his appointment, Mokhber has focused on domestic economic policies aimed at stabilizing Iran’s economy in the face of economic sanctions and other challenges. Mokhber advocated and implemented policies that encouraged self-reliance, particularly in areas such as manufacturing and technology. Mokhber’s efforts have been crucial during the current economic crisis in Iran to promote the development of national initiatives aimed at improving employment as well as national production.

How does Mokhber influence international relations?

Mokhber’s involvement on the international scene proved active. He participated in teams that focused on strengthening ties between Iran and its strategic allies, and was involved in negotiating economic deals. Its involvement in international relations is vital, particularly in strengthening Iran’s trade relations with other countries, as well as beyond. It is also part of discussions aimed at exploiting Iran’s oil and natural resources in order to evade economic sanctions and strengthen the economy’s resilience.

What controversies surround Mokhber?

Like that of many politicians, Mokhber’s life has not been free of controversy. His time at EIKO was particularly scrutinized due to the obscurity of the company’s operations as well as its enormous influence on the Iranian economy. Many critics say EIKO, under his leadership, has disproportionately gained its position and gained significant control over large swathes of Iran’s economy. This could lead to conflicts of interest and abuse of power.


As Iran navigates a maze of economic and political landscapes, Mokhber’s role is likely to change based on international and domestic demands. His expertise in negotiations with his international counterparts makes him a key player in President Raisi’s administration, particularly in efforts to stabilize the Iranian economy and improve its position on the international stage. The extent to which its influence will be considered positive or negative will depend on the results of its policies and general geopolitical trends in the region. With Iran at a crossroads, Mokhber’s decisions on strategic direction will have a major impact on the country’s direction.


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