Who is the President of Iran, Explore All Details Here!


Ebrahim RaïssiThe period as President of Iran was marked by considerable controversies and wise actions that left a lasting impression on his country and on the international stage. The tragic death of its president in a helicopter crash in East Azerbaijan province abruptly ends a tense and turbulent chapter in Iran’s political history. This article focuses on the key elements that shaped his administration, examining the consequences of his policies as well as his legacy.

What were Raisi’s main policies?

The administration of President Ebrahim Raisi has been distinguished by strong policies on several fronts, the most notable being Iran’s nuclear program as well as domestic politics. After his election in 2021, Raisi intensified Iran’s nuclear actions, which strained relations with Western countries, particularly after the impasse of the 2015 nuclear deal brokered by his predecessor Hassan Rouhani. The government’s strategy was adamant in its determination to leverage the country’s increased nuclear capacity to secure sanctions relief, despite significant international opposition.

Domestically, the Raïssi government has been the subject of strong criticism. His term as president was marked by a brutal crackdown on dissent and protests that resulted in significant numbers of deaths and sparked international criticism. This was part of a broader pattern of dictatorial governance system that reflected Raisi’s roots in Iran’s judicial and religious establishment.

What impact did Raisi have on Iran’s international relations?

Under the leadership of President Raisi, Iran’s international relations have been marked by increased tensions, particularly with Western countries as well as Israel. The April 2022 military action against Israel resulted in a dramatic increase with a significant number of missile and drone strikes. These wars have not strengthened Iran’s position on the international stage, but rather have further isolated the nation amid growing geopolitical tensions.

Additionally, the Raisi administration was unable to maintain relations with the other signatories to the nuclear deal, while European countries as well as the United States grappled with how to deal with an increasingly hostile Iran. . His time in power saw a dramatic reduction in diplomatic engagements as well as an increase in military postures and a wave of global condemnation, as well as sanctions.

What was the state of the Iranian economy under Raisi?

It was clear that the Iranian economic system under Raisi was plagued by multiple problems, including high inflation, as well as unemployment and an economy whose value continued to decline. Despite promises of improved economic conditions, the administration’s policies often only caused more problems than they solved. Sanctions, particularly those imposed in response to Iran’s nuclear policy and human rights violations, have seriously caused economic decline. The economic downturn has led to widespread discontent and regular protests against the regime, which have generally been responded to with violent crackdowns.

How did Raïssi address internal dissidence?

Raisi’s style of governance has been widely criticized for his handling of internal discontent. The backlash against protests under his administration has been particularly harsh, and human rights groups report large numbers of deaths and arrests of protesters. This repressive approach was part of a broader strategy to quell protests and ensure tight control over the population and reflected Raisi’s past in the justice system as well as his long-standing position within Iran’s religious establishment .


Ebrahim Raïssi’s presidency has been remembered for its profound debates and profound impact on the international and national fronts. His administration’s policies have exacerbated Iran’s isolation and exacerbated internal conflicts, causing economic instability. International observers, particularly those monitoring nuclear proliferation as well as human rights, have viewed Raisi’s presidency with concern.

His sudden death leaves many unanswered questions about the direction Iran will take in the future as well as internationally. The future is still uncertain, but it is certain that the impact of Ebrahim Raisi’s presidency will surely remain influential on Iranian politics and international relations in the years to come.


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