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While vice president Joe Biden continues his tenure in his office in the United States, the results of a recent NBC News poll reveal significant concerns about his physical and mental health to carry out his duties. This concern persists despite the former president’s legal troubles, but Biden’s health determines the public’s concerns.

What are the specific concerns about Biden’s health?

According to the latest survey by the NBC News National Poll, 76% of voters, including a large portion of Democrats, are concerned about President Biden’s ability to lead the country due to health concerns. Concern is split by 62% of those with major concerns and 14% of those with moderate concerns about Biden’s physical and mental abilities. The results reflect ongoing anxiety that has not abated after voters were asked similar questions in a previous poll in September.

How do voters’ concerns compare between Biden and Trump?

However, former President Donald Trump, 77, is considered less concerned about his mental and physical health, with only 50% of voters expressing concern. But Trump has his own problems. 61 percent of voters are concerned about the numerous criminal charges he faces. This is a clear difference in public perception related to the nature of the issues – legal or health-related.

What about concerns about Biden’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s dealings?

The poll provides insight into another issue voters are particularly concerned about: President Biden’s possible involvement in his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. A total of 59% of voters are concerned about the president’s knowledge and involvement in these issues, raising concerns about the integrity and honesty of his administration.


Ongoing concerns about Biden’s physical and mental health, as evidenced in this NBC News poll, pose a significant challenge for the Biden administration. As the oldest president in U.S. history, his health naturally attracts many people’s attention and sparks speculation. Going forward, it will be critical that Biden and his team address these issues transparently, possibly by sharing health information more openly and taking steps to publicly demonstrate his ability to perform his duties.


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