Robert Shinn Wife, After Divorcing Shirley Kim, Married To Hannah Lee


Robert Shinn’s life is a tapestry of many chapters, some of which are less well known. His journey from Canada to the United States, where he founded the Shekinah Church, is well documented. However, the personal sacrifices and complexity of his relationships add depth to his story.

Early life and first marriage

Before moving to the United States, Robert Shinn was married with two children. This part of his life is often overshadowed by his later achievements. Leaving his first wife and children behind was a big decision, highlighting the personal cost of his quest.

Marital history

Robert Shinn’s marital history is marked by multiple relationships. His first marriage in the United States was to Esther. Their relationship eventually ended in separation, leading Robert to a period of loneliness.

Relationship with Shirley Kim

In 2009, Robert married Shirley Kim, marking the start of a new chapter. Shirley Kim is a highly educated individual, holding a bachelor’s degree in speech communications from Cal State Fullerton and a master’s degree in entertainment and media transactions from Chapman University School of Law. She also earned a doctorate in law from the same institution. Shirley’s diverse skills and training paved the way for her successful career as a transactional attorney, managing her legal practice.

Shirley also took on important roles within Robert’s businesses. She became chief operating officer and executive vice president of production and development at Imaginating Pictures. Despite their professional collaboration, Robert and Shirley’s marriage only lasted two years and ended in 2011.

Shirley’s continuing role

Even after their divorce, Shirley continued to be involved in Robert’s business affairs. She allegedly notarized documents for meetings involving Robert and Hannah Lee. Her continued presence in Robert’s life highlights the complex intertwining of their personal and professional lives.

Entry by Hannah Lee

After his divorce from Shirley, Robert began dating Hannah Lee, who later became his wife. Hannah Grace, a resident of Santa Ana, California, is the financial director of Shekinah Church. Her dedication to the Church and exceptional management skills impressed Robert. Hannah’s responsibilities included overseeing the bank accounts and daily schedules of other congregants.

Hannah’s contributions earned her the title Woman of God, reflecting Robert’s deep trust in her. She played an almost equal role in Church affairs, even before her involvement in Robert’s ventures. Additionally, she managed dancer clients for 7M Films, assuming significant responsibilities in their affairs.

Legal challenges

In 2023, a civil suit was filed against Robert, Hannah and Shirley by former members of the church. The lawsuit included serious charges such as fraud, forced labor, breach of fiduciary duty and failure to pay minimum wage. Despite these allegations, the trial is not scheduled until 2025, allowing Robert, Hannah and Shirley to continue their personal and professional lives relatively uninterrupted.

Shirley Kim’s Current Efforts

Today, Shirley Kim remains a notable figure in her professional field. A transactional lawyer, she manages her legal practice with expertise. Her role at Imaginating Pictures as Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of Production and Development highlights her leadership abilities. Despite her past relationship with Robert, Shirley charted a successful career.

Hannah Lee’s current role

Hannah Lee continues to serve as Chief Financial Officer of Shekinah Church, handling financial and management tasks with dedication. His role within the Church and his involvement with 7M Films demonstrate his commitment to the religious and professional spheres.


Robert Shinn’s life is a mosaic of personal and professional experiences. From his first immigration to the United States, leaving behind his first family, to his multiple marriages and complex relationships, each chapter adds to his multi-faceted story. The involvement of his former wives, Shirley Kim and Hannah Lee, in his professional and legal battles further underscores the complex connections between his life.

Despite challenges, including the ongoing trial, Robert, Hannah and Shirley continue to follow their respective paths, continuing their personal and professional endeavors. The trial scheduled for 2025 will undoubtedly constitute a significant event, likely to change the course of their lives and careers. In the meantime, they remain active figures in their respective fields, carrying on their legacies amid the complexities of their intertwined histories.


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